Cost of Living in Dubai in 2023: Complete Guide

Cost of Living in Dubai in 2023

Dubai, a city celebrated for its allure and cosmopolitan appeal, beckons people from around the world. The purpose of this article is to provide an objective view of the cost of living in Dubai in 2023, offering essential financial insights for those residing in, planning to move to, or just curious about this vibrant city.

Cost of Living in Dubai in 2023: Cost Comparison Table

Cost of Living in Dubai in 2023: Cost Comparison Table

To grasp the cost of living in Dubai, we’ve compiled a neutral comparison table highlighting key expenses. This table provides a quick overview of some of the significant costs you may encounter in Dubai in 2023.

Expense CategoryEstimated Monthly Cost (in AED)
Rent (1-bedroom apartment)AED 4,142
Property PurchaseVaries based on property type and location
Grocery (family of four)Varies based on preferences
TransportationAED 350
Dining Out (per meal)AED 110
Hotel Stay (3-star)Varies based on location and time of year
Utilities for 85 m2 apartment (Cooling, Heating, Electricity, Garbage, Water)AED 710
HealthcareBasic Health Insurance 
600 – 800
Comprehensive Health Plan
Premium Health Plan
10,000 -15,000 
Essential Benefits  Plans
550 – 600
Education (private school)AED 12000 yearly
Home Internet PlanAED 311
Basic Phone PlanAED 25
table Cost of Living in Dubai in 2023

Read also: latest immigration policy and law of Dubai

check out the overall and latest cost of living here


Grocery ItemPrice (AED)
Water (1.5 liter bottle)2.10
Cocacola (1 Can 330 ml)2.50
Milk (1 liter)6.63
Loaf of Bread (500g)5.46
White rice (1kg)8.95
Eggs (6 pieces)5.50
Cheese (1kg)64.75
Chicken fillets (1kg)48.85
Beef (1kg)47.45
Apples (1kg)7.25
Banana (1kg)6.76
Oranges (1kg)3.85
Tomato (1kg)6.95
Potato (1kg)3.97
Onion (1kg)2.40
Cost of Living in Dubai in 2023

Understanding the Costs

To provide a more neutral perspective on the cost of living in Dubai, let’s explore these expense categories:

  • Rent: The cost of renting an apartment in Dubai varies significantly based on factors such as location, size, and amenities. Areas like Dubai Marina and Downtown Dubai tend to have higher rents.
  • Property Purchase: For those interested in property ownership, property prices differ based on the type and location of the property. It’s crucial to align your budget and preferences.
  • Grocery Expenses: The cost of groceries depends on your family size and dietary preferences. You can find a range of options, from budget-friendly to high-end supermarkets.
  • Transportation: Dubai’s public transportation system is efficient and economical, or you may choose to own a car, incurring expenses like car payments, insurance, fuel, and maintenance.
  • Dining Out: Dining expenses vary according to your restaurant choices, from affordable local eateries to high-end fine dining.
  • Hotel Stay: If you plan to stay in hotels, the cost will depend on the hotel’s location, quality, and the time of year.
  • Utilities: The cost of utilities like electricity, water, and internet is generally manageable but can vary based on consumption.
  • Healthcare: Dubai provides top-notch healthcare services, but the cost can be significant without proper insurance coverage.
  • Education: For families with children, education costs can be a substantial part of the budget, with international schools offering varying fee structures.
  • Entertainment: Dubai offers diverse entertainment options, from theme parks to desert safaris. Budgeting for these activities is advisable.
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: Miscellaneous costs include mobile plans, internet subscriptions, and personal services. Managing these expenses is key to effective budgeting.
  • Saving and Investment: Dubai provides opportunities for saving and investment; your choices can have a significant impact on your financial future.

Average Monthly Costs in Dubai for Single, couples, and family for 4.

Expense CategorySingleCoupleFamily of Four
Rent2,500 – 4,1705,000 – 9,0005,900 – 12,000
Leisure650 – 1,5001,000 – 1,5002,000 – 3,000
Transport400 – 1,500800 – 1,8401,500 – 3,700
Education6,000 – 12,000
Total5,625 – 9,24510,432 – 15,97022,160 – 37,460
Average Monthly Costs

Cost of Living in Dubai in 2023

These figures represent the approximate monthly costs for different types of households in Dubai in 2023. Please note that the actual expenses may vary depending on personal choices, location, and specific circumstances.


In summary, the cost of living in Dubai in 2023 can vary greatly depending on individual choices and circumstances. By considering the expense categories and understanding their nuances, residents and newcomers can make informed financial decisions. Dubai’s cosmopolitan charm is accompanied by a diverse range of financial choices, allowing individuals to navigate their cost of living according to their priorities and preferences.


Q1: What is the cost of living like in Dubai in 2023?

The cost of living in Dubai varies based on your lifestyle and personal preferences. On average, Single: 5,625 – 9,245 AED, Couple: 10,432 – 15,970 AED, Family of Four: 22,160 – 37,460

Q2: What are the primary expenses to consider when living in Dubai?

Major expenses in Dubai include housing, food, transportation, education (if applicable), and entertainment. Housing costs are a large part of expenses.

Q3: How much does accommodation cost in Dubai in 2023?

Accommodation costs can be notably high. Rent for apartments and villas varies widely, depending on factors like location, size, and amenities. Prime areas like Downtown Dubai typically command higher prices. Rent (1-bedroom apartment): AED 4,142

Q4: What is the cost of food in Dubai?

Food costs in Dubai can vary. Dining out at restaurants ranges from affordable to expensive, and grocery shopping is generally reasonable. However, imported and luxury items can be pricier. average food cost for a single person is 1,025 AED

Q5: How about transportation expenses in Dubai?

Dubai has an efficient public transportation system with reasonably priced options. Owning a car can be expensive due to factors such as insurance, fuel, and parking costs. 400 – 1,500 AED

Q6: Are there any cost-saving strategies for living in Dubai?

Yes, consider cooking at home, utilizing public transportation, and seeking special offers and discounts when shopping. Additionally, mindful use of utilities can help save on electricity and water bills.

Q7: Is healthcare costly in Dubai?

Healthcare in Dubai is of high quality but can be expensive. Many residents opt for health insurance to cover medical expenses.

Q8: How much should one budget for entertainment and leisure activities in Dubai?

The cost of entertainment varies, but there are numerous free or affordable options, such as public parks and beaches. If you enjoy nightlife and dining out, you should budget accordingly for these activities.

Q9: Are there any taxes in Dubai that affect the cost of living?

Dubai does not impose income tax on individuals, which can be a significant advantage for expatriates. However, there are other fees and taxes on items like hotel stays and services.

Q10: What is the average salary required for a comfortable life in Dubai in 2023?

The average salary needed for a comfortable life in Dubai varies depending on family size, lifestyle, and location. Generally, it’s advisable to have a monthly income that covers housing, and basic expenses and allows for some savings.

Q11: Are there cost differences between living in Dubai and other emirates in the UAE?

Yes, living costs can differ between emirates. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are often considered more expensive than some of the other emirates.

Cost of Living in Dubai in 2023

Please note that the cost of living can change over time, so it’s essential to stay updated with the latest information and plan your budget accordingly when living in Dubai.

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