Latest Immigration Policy and Laws of Dubai in 2023

Latest Immigration Policy and Laws of Dubai in 2023

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In 2023, Dubai’s immigration landscape has witnessed notable changes. This article, presented by Immigration Insiders, offers a balanced and informative insight into Dubai’s Immigration Policy and Laws of Dubai. It serves as a valuable resource for both current residents and those considering relocation to this dynamic city.

Dubai’s Changing Immigration Landscape

Dubai’s immigration policies have continually adapted to attract a diverse array of professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs from across the world. These adaptations align with the government’s economic diversification and long-term growth vision.

Dubai's Changing Immigration Landscap

Types of Visas in Dubai

Understanding the various visa categories in Dubai is fundamental. These encompass tourist visas, transit visas, employment visas, investor visas, and family reunification visas, Dubai golden visas, among others.

Download the prearranged visa application form and click here.

Immigration Policy and Laws of Dubai in 2023

In 2023, significant immigration regulations have been introduced in Dubai. These changes focus on enhancing the accessibility and flexibility of visas, intending to facilitate the relocation of skilled professionals and investors to the city.

Procedures for Visa Applications

Dubai’s visa application procedures have undergone streamlining and modernization. The introduction of an online application system and electronic visa issuance has expedited visa processing, offering a more convenient experience for applicants.

Emirate-Specific Immigration Guidelines

It’s crucial to recognize that each emirate within the United Arab Emirates, including Dubai, may have its specific immigration guidelines. Awareness of these distinctions is essential, as they can impact one’s experience in Dubai.

Long-term Residency Options

Dubai now presents long-term residency options designed to provide stability and security to investors, entrepreneurs, and skilled professionals intending to establish themselves in the city.

Employment Visas in Dubai

Distinct visa categories cater to individuals seeking employment in Dubai. These visas are designed to ensure that both employers and employees adhere to the established legal requirements.

Investor and Entrepreneur Visas

Dubai extends a warm welcome to investors and entrepreneurs. In 2023, the immigration policies feature provisions to encourage foreign investors to contribute to the city’s economic development actively.

Immigration Policy and Laws of Dubai: Family Reunification

Dubai’s family reunification visa policies have been streamlined to facilitate the reunion of expatriates with their loved ones in the city.

Student Visas

Dubai’s renowned educational institutions continue to attract students from around the world. The immigration policies for students have been refined to meet their unique requirements.

Immigration Compliance and Regulations

Compliance with Dubai’s immigration regulations is crucial for all expatriates. Staying informed and adhering to these laws is vital for a successful and trouble-free stay in the city.

Challenges Confronting Expatriates

While Dubai offers numerous opportunities, expatriates may encounter challenges, including cultural adjustments, the cost of living, and legal intricacies. It’s essential to be well-prepared for these potential challenges.

Wage Protection System (WPS)

Ministerial Resolution No. 598 of 2022 regarding the Wage Protection System, issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) in December 2022, represents a significant shift in regulations, superseding prior legislation. This decision meticulously upholds the mandate that all entities registered with MOHRE must disburse salaries to their workforce through the WPS in strict accordance with the New Labour Law.

Should a salary remain unpaid for a period exceeding 15 days from the stipulated due date, it shall be deemed tardy, barring any alternative provisions within the employment contract. In such cases, the defaulter will face punitive measures. Companies can claim adherence to the WPS if they disburse a minimum of 80% of the total salary due to their eligible workforce. Notably, when lawful deductions occur, an employee is deemed as having received their salary as long as they can substantiate that they’ve received at least 80% of their registered wage, provided evidence of the deduction is procurable upon request. Any arrangement concerning unpaid leave must be duly communicated to MOHRE. Certain categories of employees are, however, exempted from the purview of WPS requisites.

Immigration Policy and Laws of Dubai

MOHRE Employment Agreements and Work Permit Renewals

Ministerial Decision No. 46 of 2022, relating to Work Permits, Job Offers, and Employment Contracts’ Forms, promulgated in February 2022, mandates that employers registered with MOHRE must ensure the execution of a standardized employment contract endorsed by MOHRE. This contract must seamlessly align with the terms laid out in the offer letter and be presented during the work permit application procedure. It is also permissible to append additional clauses that favor the employee, provided they do not contravene the stipulations of the law and its executive regulations.

In matters concerning work permits, the decision stipulates circumstances where employers will not be deemed delinquent in issuing or renewing work permits:

  1. When an employee has been outside the country for over six months, and their residency visa expired during their absence, with the work permit also expiring post their departure.
  2. When the work permit lapses after legal deportation or arrest of the employee.
  3. In cases where an employee is deceased or afflicted by a contagious ailment that impedes them from engaging in employment.
  4. When an employee’s complaint has been elevated by MOHRE to the Labour Court and the work permit expires subsequent to this referral.
  5. When an employee departs from the UAE during a settlement period.
  6. When the work permit expires while the employee is undergoing a period of incarceration or detention.
  7. During the three-month interim following the demise of the employer (provided they were the sole manager) a legal representative is officially designated to oversee the establishment.

MOHRE Labour Disputes and Grievance Procedures

UAE Ministerial Decision No. 47 of 2022, delineating the Regulation of Labour Disputes and Complaints Procedures, was enacted in February 2022, meticulously outlining the steps and protocols for lodging labor-related complaints with MOHRE and the course of action for collective labor disputes.

This decision stipulates that complaints pertaining to contractual breaches must be filed with MOHRE by either party within a 30-day window from the time of the alleged breach. Following the filing, MOHRE will endeavor to mediate a resolution between the disputing parties within 14 days of the complaint submission. If a consensus remains elusive, MOHRE will grant approval for the complaint to proceed to the Labour Court.

MOHRE Inspections

Ministerial Decision No. 48 of 2022, governing Labor Inspection Procedures under MOHRE, was enacted in February 2022, charting a comprehensive framework that empowers MOHRE labor inspectors with a range of controls and monitoring capabilities. These include the authority to enter business premises, summon employers, conduct investigations, and demand the submission of data or information from the employer.

MOHRE Work Permit Quotas

Ministerial Decision No. 203 of 2022, effective from April 15, 2022, prescribes the rules for the allocation of electronic work permit quotas to organizations. These quotas are subject to variation depending on the classification of the company within the high-priority economic sectors, as delineated in the decision’s annexure. Furthermore, distinctions are made based on whether the entity is a newly established enterprise or an existing one.


The immigration policies and laws in Dubai in 2023 have adapted significantly to cater to the diverse needs of the ever-expanding expatriate community. These changes reflect the government’s commitment to making Dubai an even more welcoming and attractive destination for individuals worldwide.


1. Can I apply for a tourist visa to Dubai in 2023? Yes, Dubai continues to offer tourist visas, making it a popular destination for tourists.

2. What are the key changes in Dubai’s immigration laws in 2023? Dubai has introduced new immigration laws to enhance accessibility and flexibility for skilled professionals and investors.

3. How can I bring my family to Dubai under the family reunification visa? The government has simplified the process for family reunification, making it easier for expatriates to bring their loved ones to Dubai.

4. What are the challenges that expatriates may face in Dubai? Expatriates may encounter challenges such as cultural adjustments, the cost of living, and legal complexities when living in Dubai.

5. What is the future outlook for Dubai’s immigration policies? Dubai’s future immigration policies are expected to continue to focus on attracting global talent and fostering economic growth.

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